Detailed shapes and formes taken at the St. Thomas Church in Stockport
The church itself has very nice shaped columns that show a consistent pattern. I chose to take a picture starting from the bottom up to the top to symbolise the high of the pillars. From this angle it doesn't look like a column and this is exactly what i wanted to show - everything can look different if u chose different angles and ways to present it.
This a very interesting and different pattern from a tree bark. It is not symmetric, in straight lines or curves, which makes it very interesting. It is very detailed, colour intensive and looks busy because of its restless pattern.
This must be one of my favourite shots i have made today. This is simply a picture of a fence taken horizontal and a bit sideways as well, which gives a different result than people might expect.
This picture shows a dirty but also very strict kind of road. The stones show the same pattern over and over again but they are still not the same. Everyone has a shape and colour of its own.
This plant had a lot of nice leaves and a beautiful green colour, which got my attention. I made the picture from the top to get as much leaves as possible. The light shines through the leaves and makes it possible to see their pattern very well.
This stone appears as very old. The weather made it change colour and form on different spots which make nice forms and shapes. It looks like either some grass is on them or even some mould found their perfect place to grow on.
This wall made of brick also shows the weather on their surface, which gives it a very nice and colourful pattern. It shows that life will manifest everywhere, even on the simplest things.
I chose this picture because it is unusual and shows a very unique pattern. Those leaves and seeds, growing on a tree, have different colours and patterns but still work very well together.
This is a simple grid which has a very nice rusty colour showing the metal and age of it. The sun reflection makes it look even more metallic.
This simple rock looks like it is under water even tho it isn't. The colours and the light shining on it make it look very interesting. A part of it even looks like simple sand. I love this kind of illusion that plays in our eyes.
A very intensive and colourful shot. The green nearly explodes and makes it very attractive to the human eye. The leaves look like needles which make them look dangerous, but also still soft enough to tell that you can touch them without hurting yourself.